Woohooo!! Today was a fabulous and very productive day! I was able to whip out a few headbands and hair bows and I even snapped some photos while I was making one of the hair bows. So here is a quick tutorial of one of my favorite hair bows to make. It is so easy and so simple to make. I have made countless of these for my little girl in many different colors and sizes. I can never seem to find ones I actually like enough to buy at the store. It's so much more fun to walk into the craft store and have endless supplies of ribbon to choose from. My ribbon collection really has gotten out of hand. I mean REALLY! Everywhere I look, I see spools of ribbon that have somehow managed to sneak away from their large number of counterparts. Anyways, you get the point! Ribbon is cheap and gives you the opportunity to make something that is truly unique. If you haven't made one of these before, and you have some extra ribbon lying around the house, give it a try and just see how easy it is!

Cut four, 4 inch strips of ribbon.
Next, make inward slits on both ends of the ribbon. Then heat-seal with lighter to keep the ends from fraying.
Cut out a 9 1/2 inch strip of any pattern ribbon of your choice. Just make sure it is skinnier than the first ribbon you cut. Once it is cut, hot-glue it into a Figure 8. With the remaining four strips of ribbon, pinch them together in the center to form a "gathered look" and hot glue it so that they look like the picture above.
Next, glue the four strips together like this.
Now you can hot-glue the Figure 8 strip to the top of the four ribbons.
Lastly, you will need to cut out a 1 inch strip of ribbon the circle around the bow to completely cover the center. I chose to add an alligator clip to the back and clipped it onto a crocheted headband.
Please feel free to send me a picture of yours! I love to see all the unique creativity!
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